Sustainability & CSR

At ScanPeople we want to contribute to more sustainability through sustainable development, growth, and results through our work with people.

That is why we have a sustainability strategy with an action plan. During the next couple of years, ScanPeople will strive to follow it in everything we do.

ScanPeople works with sustainable development from a CSR-plan (Corporate Social Responsibility.)

UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals

We use UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a guideline for always working with sustainability.

ScanPeople has chosen four specific goals to work with.  

ScanPeoples 4 goals

Goal 3: Good health and well-being

ScanPeople wants a healthy existence both mentally and physically for our employees, partners and local community.

Nordic Quality Recruitment, sustainability, good health and well-being

Our goal is to ensure healthy, happy, satisfied and committed employees, maintain a high retention of employees, reduce attrition and secure a long and well life for everybody.

  1. We have yearly surveys along with employee development planning conversations and workplace assessments. Subjects and questions must be varied.
  2. We hand out our staff handbook, which includes all internal politics, to every colleague when employed.
  3. Mental and physical illnesses are taken into account. The management’s door is always open, and a solution that suits both parties will always be found.
  4. Employees respect and support each other and the management sets a good example. If you are not experiencing this, then we encourage you to point it out to the management, in order for the problems to be taken care of. 
  5. Focus on socializing, through yearly events, parties, teambuilding days, lunch brakes with your colleagues and an open office environment.
  6. Ventilated offices at least twice a day. It’s possible to eat outside, and go for a walk to get fresh air. Many employees take advantage of this. Several employees also like to bike or walk to and from work.
  7. At ScanPeople we will help employees to sit in ergonomically correct working positions to reduce injuries. All have a raising / lowering table. Employees should encourage each other to make use of this.
  8. We support participation in activities, or likewise financially or through sponsored sportswear. In addition, we support local sports associations and healthy initiatives. 
  9. At ScanPeople we chose our clients with care. We set up requirements for the physical and mental work environment, to ensure good working terms for our candidates. 
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

ScanPeople must secure a positive growth with focus on sustainability through process optimization, innovation and new technology as well as offering decent jobs on equal terms. 

Nordic Quality Recruitment, sustainability, decent work and economic growth

Our goal is to run ScanPeople responsibly and sustainable as well as creating persistent and innovative growth and hereby more job opportunities. Employees and temps must feel respected and be employed on competitive terms, both at ScanPeople and at our clients and we must strive for diversity in candidates.

  1. We have yearly surveys along with employee development planning conversations and workplace assessments. Subjects and questions must be varied.
  2. Every employee follows the internal staff handbook, which includes all internal politics that contributes to decent jobs.
  3. We focus on helping the youth getting employed, through internships, study jobs or relevant education.
  4. Our consultants strive for a diverse shortlist of candidates. We focus on presenting candidates that separates from each other. We focus on personality, competencies, and dedication rather that gender, age, background, ethnicity etc. 
  5. ScanPeople must pay attention to optimization of internal and external processes, to ensure higher quality of work.
  6. We consider clients and candidates, as partners – together we will reach the very best results. 
  7. ScanPeople must select in clients and set up requirements for their terms and environments. Internal and external partners partners must understand and live up to our core values.
  8. We must secure quality jobs and avoid unprofessional situations and disappointed temps/candidates through clear procedures during the cooperation with clients. Therefore, we need a good and regularly communication. We will contribute to economic growth, by continuing to make more job openings and assist clients with durable employment solutions, so our clients also can continue their growth.
Goal 4: Quality education

We will contribute educating people across gender, age, ethnicity etc. Employees must be further educated if it makes sense, as well as informed about and trained in our sustainability processes.

Nordic Quality Recruitment, sustainability, quality education

Our goal is to have motivated employees with improved skills as well as safe and satisfied employees and customers. We want to maintain a high and always qualified level of service, always being ready for tomorrow’s challenges. Hereby, we will secure the future of the company in a sustainable way and stay competitive.

  1. Interns and new employees must receive thorough and qualified training in the job, in ScanPeople, in IT-systems etc. through agreed procedures, plans and sufficient time set aside by those responsible. We follow and evaluate these procedures.
  2. If relevant, a new employee can be offered courses, as a part of the training. This can be an advantage for the company as well as for clients and candidates, and also contributes to a professional cooperation.
  3. If one of our employees wish for a course, education or likewise, and it’s relevant for the employee’s skills, position or development at ScanPeople, then we will support financially, and within time and commitment.
  4. Every employee’s ‘basics’ in the job must be in place, so that new employees will not repeat bad habits after the training. 
  5. When an assignment, case or client and candidate relationship is over, we must evaluate. This will encourage employees to keep doing the good things and learn from the less good things.
  6. Every employee must receive training in ScanPeople’s sustainability politic.
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

ScanPeople must contribute in reducing inequality between genders and minorities. We must strengthen the diversity, and benefit from each other’s differences.

Nordic quality recruitment sustainability

Our goal is to employ, based on attitude, skills and opportunities, act on every type of discrimination. No one, whom we are in touch with shall feel discriminated. All must feel included and appreciated. We want concrete politics, which every employee can vouch for and act from.

  1. Employments based on the candidate’s attitude, and their opportunities for personal and professional development. Every employee should remind their colleague about this.
  2. We treat every employee and partner equivalent and with respect for one another’s special needs.
  3. We must ensure a safe environment among the employees and every employees worklife. An open communication between employees and management is necessary in order to solve challenges regarding inequality fast and in the best way possible. 
  4. Employees should feel obligated to point out problems regarding any sort of inequality and contribute with their ideas to strengthen the diversity.
  5. Every employee must receive support and respect no matter gender, age, background, ethnicity etc. They must have the courage to stand up for themselves and their believes and they should included in relevant negotiations, decisions, and conflict resolutions. 
  6. We actively support actions which gives disadvantaged a better and more fair chance to succeed. We support both organisations and individuals in and outside of Denmark. 
  7. Our consultants are obligated to encourage clients not to select in candidates based on gender, age, ethnicity etc. We will without doubt deselect clients if we can’t meet their opinions on equality.

Feel free to contact our CEO, Brian Foustad Jørgensen, for further information about our sustainability plan.
Telephone: +45 43 31 00 71.

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